We can ship to your airport by cargo if the customs there can accept perishable goods. Not all airports carry phytosanitary services.
In addition to the cost charged by the airline, charges at your airport must be added : taxes, agent, delivery to your nursery etc..
From a real situation in 2012, for a shipment to Europe of 200 kg, with a plant value of 2150 eur ( from our wholesale list, such as 1075 rooted Hoya x 2 eur = 2150 eur ) , the total transport cost from our site to the destination airport is around 1050 eur; if you add a 6.5% import tax in your country and a VAT at 19.6%: ( 2150 + 1050 ) x 1.065 x 1.196 = 4018 eur
The remaining charge will be the transport from your airport to your place, this can be around 100 eur. Hence the total cost, plants and transport, will be 4118 eur; based on a wholesale plant price of 2150 : the ratio is about 1.92 = 4118/ 2150
You may also have the plants shipped to your airport and dispatched by your agent directly to your customers. Click on this link to know more :
plants to your airport and dispatched by your agent
Please note that one kg is what we all know on scales - the Gross Weight - but for the airline industry the weight is also a volume divided by 6000 ( and sometimes noted Vol Wt , or volume - weight ). The airline willl always charge the weight on a minimum Vol Wt.
This is how it works on an example :we use cartons of 50 x 100 x 25 cm. We divide by 6000 this volume and find 20.8 , this is the Vol Wt. If the content ( Gross Weight, weight on scales ) is only 18 kg, anyway the airline company will charge on a weight of 20.8 kg; but if this content is 25 kg the company will charge on this weight of 25 kg
Also usually airlines charge on a minimum weight of 45 kg.For instance we ship 2 cartons of Vol Wt 20.8 each, total Vol Wt is 20.8 x 2 = about 42 kg. The charge will however apply on 45 kg. Usually a carton of Hoya, Fern or Bromeliad does not exceed its Vol Wt of 20.8 kg.
Considering all costs for contents up to 60 kg, several small postal parcels, by Small Parcel Air or by express parcels : EMS, may be a better option, in particular when the plants occupy a rather high volume but are light. Hoya, Fern and Bromeliad are better candidates for post parcels than the dense Plumeria. Indeed the Thai post, contrary to other courrier ( DHL, Fedex etc - that anyway , in Thailand, do not accept live plants - ) consider the gross weight not the volume for the charge of transport.
Hoya and other plant collections are for sale on aleyagarden.com Plant care is available in various posts of this blog. Contact : aleyagarden@hotmail.com
Find all Aleyagarden posts on http://aleyagarden-blog.blogspot.com/